The Energy Efficiency Directive demands member states to draw up National Energy Efficiency Action Plans (NEEAPs) every three years. NEEAPs define the estimated energy consumption, planned energy efficiency measures and the improvements individual EU countries expect to achieve. The following list provides an overview of the main measures defined by the members states (according to ANNEX I of the Communication from the Commission about „Energy Efficiency and its contribution to energy security and the 2030 Framework for climate and energy policy“, COM(2014) 520 final). EU countries must report the progress achieved towards their national energy efficiency targets on an annual basis (available here).

  • Energy efficiency obligations for energy distributors, predominately addressing
    the efficiency of existing buildings.
  • Renewed effort to increase the share of district heating.
  • Audits, pilots and demonstrations for industrial energy efficiency.
  • Energy taxes will continue to play a significant role.


  • Measures focused on the buildings sector.
  • Tax breaks for building refurbishments.
  • Improved metering and billing.


  • Sponsorships and allowances plans for energy conservation.
  • Campaign aimed at the replacement of inefficient energy-using products.
  • Projects to promote energy efficiency in private cars and other energy efficient
    measures in transport.

Czech Republic
New financial scheme focused on:

  • energy saving measures in buildings across all sectors (building envelope and technology)
  • energy savings in processes in industry and services
  • more efficient energy infrastructure (mainly district heating systems); reduction of losses in electricity and heat distribution system
  • promotion of high-efficiency cogeneration


  • Increased level of ambition of energy efficiency obligations from annual savings of 2.6% to 3%.
  • Information for consumers (e.g. improved energy performance certificates for buildings)
  • Information about energy efficiency for banks and mortgage companies.


  • New programmes to renovate buildings, support energy audits and energyefficiency investment in industry, and replace street lighting.
  • Grants, preferential loans and guarantees to support renovation of multiapartment buildings and a support scheme to improve efficiency of small residential buildings.0
  • Continuing role for taxes.


  • Reinforcement of existing measures, such as voluntary agreements with the industry, rather than introduction of new ones. Voluntary agreements will integrate such elements as energy audits, tax incentives and training.
  • Measures targeting buildings will also be strengthened. These combine building codes, information campaign and various incentives, including tax credits. Much of the focus will be to continue increasing the efficiency of heating (annual sales of heat pumps already increased from less than 1000 in 1999 to 60 000 in 2012).


  • Doubling of the ambition level of the energy efficiency obligation scheme.
  • Dedicated fund for building refurbishment, acting as a guarantee for leveraging private investment.
  • Taxation in the transport sector could bring additional savings.


  • Updated calculation based on the recent statistics shows that Germany’s primary energy consumption will be almost 10% lower than the target notified in 2013.
  • Existing policy measures will be strengthened, including building efficiency requirements, taxation, advice/awareness-rising and support for investment, notably through the KfW scheme.
  • An important element of the new policy efforts will be the development of the ESCO (Energy services company) market.


  • The measures included in the plan are expected to result in savings marginally above the national target.
  • Focus in the buildings sector on the development of measurement and verification systems to accurately measure savings achieved.
  • This will be the basis to drive demand for more efficient housing and supply (e.g. from the banking sector)


  • Strengthen the minimum standards for the construction of new buildings and the renovation of existing buildings;
  • Consolidate tax deductions for the refurbishment of buildings and strengthen incentives for buildings owned by public bodies
  • Strengthen the system of energy efficiency certificates („white certificates“)
  • Encourage the renewal of the fleet of cars and trucks up to 3.5 tonnes


  • Energy efficiency obligations will be applied to energy distributors
  • These, in combination with a new revolving National Energy Efficiency Fund will focus mainly on financing building renovations.


  • Energy efficiency obligation scheme will be applied to major energy distribution companies expected to support end-use energy efficiency investments especially in the buildings construction sector and industry.
  • Support scheme for the improvement of efficiency of local district heating networks.
  • The National Fund to improve the energy performance of buildings.


  •   The ambition level of the nation indicative target is increased by 12%.
  • Energy efficiency obligation scheme
  • Free energy audit for households and SMEs on request.
  • Other areas of focus: roll out of smart meters, information campaigns, renovation of buildings, transport measures, modernisation of generation plants, improving the energy efficiency of water distribution.


  • Energy agreement for sustainable growth, including central, regional and local government, employers’ organisations and workers’ organisations, other civil society organisations and financial institutions, including in the field of energy efficiency. The agreement targets buildings, energy efficiency in industry and in the agricultural sector.


  • Portugal will rely on the continuation of existing schemes which are being revised to focus on those that are the most cost-effective.
  • Schemes promoting the thermal insulation of housing are likely to have the biggest impact.


  • The ambition of the nation indicative target has been marginally revised upwards compared to 2013.
  • Energy efficiency obligation for energy companies.
  • Renovation of residential and commercial buildings via a National Energy Efficiency Fund.
  • Incentives for energy efficient transport, fiscal measures, training, national information campaign on energy efficiency.


  • Energy efficiency will continue to be driven primarily through taxation.

United Kingdom

  • Largest savings from energy efficiency requirements for buildings.
  • Focus on improving the Green Deal scheme.